Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Einzelhandel Forex Trading Surgen Of Adrenalin

OANDA 1080108910871086108311001079109110771090 10921072108110831099 Cookie 10951090108610731099 1089107610771083107210901100 1085107210961080 10891072108110901099 10871088108610891090109910841080 1074 1080108910871086108311001079108610741072108510801080 1080 108510721089109010881086108010901100 10801093 10891086107510831072108910851086 108710861090108810771073108510861089109011031084 10851072109610801093 10871086108910771090108010901077108310771081. 10601072108110831099 Cookie 10851077 10841086107510911090 1073109910901100 108010891087108610831100107910861074107210851099 107610831103 109110891090107210851086107410831077108510801103 10741072109610771081 10831080109510851086108910901080. 1055108610891077109710721103 108510721096 1089107210811090, 10741099 108910861075108310721096107210771090107710891100 1089 10801089108710861083110010791086107410721085108010771084 OANDA8217 109210721081108310861074 cookie 1074 108910861086109010741077109010891090107410801080 1089 10851072109610771081 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doubleclickactivityisrc4489469typenewsi0catoanda0u1fxtradeiddclatdcrdidtagforchilddirectedtreatmentord1num1 mcesrc4489469.fls. doubleclickactivityisrc4489469typenewsi0catoanda0u1fxtradeiddclatdcrdidtagforchilddirectedtreatmentord1num1 breite1 height1 frameborder0 Styledisplay: keine mcestyledisplay: noneampgtampltiframeampgt 10581054105610431054104210511071 105710671056106810451042106710521048 10581054104210401056104010521048 10531040 105610671053105010401061 OANDA 105510881077107610831072107510721077108410991077 OANDA 108210861085109010881072108210901099 10851072 1088107210791085108010941091 1076107211021090 10741086107910841086107810851086108910901100 108710881086107410861076108010901100 10891072108410991077 1088107210791085108610861073108810721079108510991077 10861087107710881072109410801080 1089 10851072108010731086108310771077 10871086108710911083110310881085109910841080 1074 1084108010881077 108910991088110010771074109910841080 10901086107410721088107210841080 1089 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1101109010861084 108610761085107210821086 10741072107810851086 1087108610841085108010901100, 109510901086 1080108910871086108311001079108610741072108510801077 1082108810771076108010901085108610751086 10871083107710951072 1074 108610871077108810721094108011031093 1089 10821086108510901088107210821090107210841080 10851072 1088107210791085108010941091 (108210721082 1080 10741086 1074108910771093 107610881091107510801093 10741080107610721093 108910761077108310861082) 10851077108910771090 1074 1089107710731077 107910851072109510801090107710831100108510991081 1088108010891082, 1082108610901086108810991081 10841086107810771090 109110741077108310801095108010901100 108210721082 1087108610831086107810801090107710831100108510991081, 109010721082 1080 1086109010881080109410721090107710831100108510991081 108810771079109110831100109010721090. 10421099 107610861083107810851099 10801084107710901100 11031089108510861077 1087108810771076108910901072107410831077108510801077 1086 108810801089108210721093, 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10861087107710881072109410801081 1089 10821086108510901088107210821090107210841080 10851072 1088107210791085108010941091 10421067 1053105410421048106310541050 1042 10581054105610431054104210511045 105710671056106810451042106710521048 10581054104210401056104010521048 1055108810801085108010841072108110901077 10871088108610761091108410721085108510991077 10901086108810751086107410991077 1088107710961077108510801103. 10481089108710861083110010791091108110901077 1073107710891087108310721090108510991077 108610731091109510721102109710801077 108710881086107510881072108410841099 1080 107610881091107510801077 1088107710891091108810891099, 10951090108610731099 1087108610791085107210901100 108410801088 10861087107710881072109410801081 1089 10741072108311021090107210841080 1080 10821086108510901088107210821090107210841080 10851072 1088107210791085108010941091. 104710721103107410831077108510801077 10861073 108610901082107210791077 10861090 108610901074107710901089109010741077108510851086108910901080 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OANDA Asia Pacific 1087108810771076108310721075107210771090 108410721082108910801084107210831100108510861077 108210881077107610801090108510861077 10871083107710951086 50160: 1601 10871086 108710881086107610911082109010721084 106010861088107710821089. 10551086 108610871077108810721094108011031084 1089 10821086108510901088107210821090107210841080 10851072 1088107210791085108010941091 10871088108010841077108511031102109010891103 10861075108810721085108010951077108510801103 1082108810771076108010901085108610751086 10871083107710951072. 105210721082108910801084107210831100108510991081 108810721079108410771088 1082108810771076108010901085108610751086 10871083107710951072 107610831103 10821083108010771085109010861074 OANDA Canada 109110891090107210851072107410831080107410721077109010891103 105410881075107210851080107910721094108010771081 10871086 1088107710751091108310801088108610741072108510801102 10801085107410771089109010801094108010861085108510861081 107610771103109010771083110010851086108910901080 105010721085107210761099 (IIROC) 1080 10841086107810771090 1080107910841077108511031090110010891103. 105510861076108810861073108510721103 1080108510921086108810841072109410801103 1087108810801074108610761080109010891103 1074 1088107210791076107710831077 1711042109910871086108310851077108510801077 108810771075109110831103109010861088108510991093 1080 1092108010851072108510891086107410991093 1090108810771073108610741072108510801081187 . 10541087107710881072109410801080 1089 10871072108410831072108310831072108108010771084 1085107710761086108910901091108710851099 107610831103 1088107710791080107610771085109010861074 105010721085107210761099. 169 199682112017 OANDA Corporation. 104210891077 10871088107210741072 10791072109710801097107710851099. 10581086107410721088108510991077 10791085107210821080 OANDA, fxTrade 1080 108910771084107710811089109010741086 10901086107410721088108510991093 107910851072108210861074 fx 10871088108010851072107610831077107810721090 OANDA Corporation. 104210891077 108710881086109510801077 10901086107410721088108510991077 10791085107210821080, 10871088107710761089109010721074108310771085108510991077 10851072 1101109010861084 10891072108110901077, 11031074108311031102109010891103 10891086107310891090107410771085108510861089109011001102 108910861086109010741077109010891090107410911102109710801093 1074108310721076107710831100109410771074. 10581086108810751086107410831103 10821086108510901088107210821090107210841080 10851072 10801085108610891090108810721085108510911102 107410721083110210901091 108010831080 10801085109910841080 107410851077107310801088107810771074109910841080 1087108810861076109110821090107210841080 1089 10801089108710861083110010791086107410721085108010771084 10841072108810781080 1080 1082108810771076108010901085108610751086 10871083107710951072 107410831077109510771090 1074109910891086108210801077 10881080108910821080 1080 10871086107610931086107610801090 10851077 1074108910771084 1080108510741077108910901086108810721084. 10561077108210861084107710851076109110771084 107410721084 109010971072109010771083110010851086 1086109410771085108010901100, 10871086107610931086107611031090 10831080 107410721084 10901072108210801077 10901086108810751086107410991077 10861087107710881072109410801080 1089 109110951077109010861084 10741072109610801093 108310801095108510991093 1086107310891090108611031090107710831100108910901074. 1042107210961080 109110731099109010821080 10841086107510911090 108710881077107410991089108010901100 10861073109810771084 10741072109610801093 1080108510741077108910901080109410801081. 1048108510921086108810841072109410801103, 10871088108010741077107610771085108510721103 10851072 107610721085108510861084 10891072108110901077, 10851086108910801090 10861073109710801081 10931072108810721082109010771088. 10561077108210861084107710851076109110771084 107410721084 10761086 108510721095107210831072 10901086108810751086107410831080 1086107310881072109010801090110010891103 10791072 1087108610841086109711001102 1082 10851077107910721074108010891080108410991084 1082108610851089109110831100109010721085109010721084 1080 109110731077107610801090110010891103, 109510901086 10741099 108710861083108510861089109011001102 108710861085108010841072107710901077 107410891077 1089108610871091109010891090107410911102109710801077 10881080108910821080. 10581086108810751086107410831103 10871086108910881077107610891090107410861084 108610851083107210811085 -108710831072109010921086108810841099 107410831077109510771090 10761086108710861083108510801090107710831100108510991077 10881080108910821080. 10571084. 108810721079107610771083 17110551088107210741086107410991077 1074108610871088108610891099187 10791076107710891100. 1060108010851072108510891086107410991081 10891087108810771076-1073107710901090108010851075 10761086108910901091108710771085 109010861083110010821086 10821083108010771085109010721084 OANDA Europe Ltd, 1103107410831103110210971080108410891103 10881077107910801076107710851090107210841080 105710861077107610801085107710851085108610751086 10501086108810861083107710741089109010741072 108010831080 1056107710891087109110731083108010821080 10481088108310721085107610801103. 105010861085109010881072108210901099 10851072 1088107210791085108010941091, 1092109110851082109410801080 109310771076107810801088108610741072108510801103 105210584 1080 108210881077107610801090108510861077 10871083107710951086 10891074109910961077 50: 1 1085107710761086108910901091108710851099 107610831103 1088107710791080107610771085109010861074 10571086107710761080108510771085108510991093 106410901072109010861074 1040108410771088108010821080. 1048108510921086108810841072109410801103 10851072 1101109010861084 10891072108110901077 10851077 1087108810771076108510721079108510721095107710851072 107610831103 1078108010901077108310771081 10891090108810721085, 1074 1082108610901086108810991093 10771077 108810721089108710881086108910901088107210851077108510801077 108010831080 1080108910871086108311001079108610741072108510801077 10831102107310991084 10831080109410861084 108710881086109010801074108610881077109510801090 1084107710891090108510991084 1079107210821086108510721084 1080 10871088107210741080108310721084. 10501086108410871072108510801103 1089 108610751088107210851080109510771085108510861081 1086109010741077109010891090107410771085108510861089109011001102 OANDA Europe Limited 1079107210881077107510801089109010881080108810861074107210851072 1074 104010851075108310801080, 108810771075108010891090108810721094108010861085108510991081 10851086108410771088 7.110.087, 11021088108010761080109510771089108210801081 10721076108810771089: Turm 42, Boden 9a, 25 Old Broad St, London EC2N 1HQ. 104410771103109010771083110010851086108910901100 10821086108410871072108510801080 1083108010941077108510791080108810861074107210851072 1080 108810771075109110831080108810911077109010891103 10591087108810721074108310771085108010771084 10921080108510721085108910861074108610751086 1085107210761079108610881072. 10831080109410771085107910801103 8470 542574. OANDA Japan Co. Ltd. 8212 108710771088107410991081 10761080108810771082109010861088 10871086 108610871077108810721094108011031084 1089 10921080108510721085108910861074109910841080 1080108510891090108810911084107710851090107210841080 1090108010871072 Kanto Local Financial Bureau (Kin-sho), 108810771075. 8470 2137 1095108310771085 1040108910891086109410801072109410801080 1092108010851072108510891086107410991093 109211001102109510771088108910861074, 108810771075. 8470 1571.Forex Volatility Surges. Why And What Might we do Next - Forex volatility risks surge on sudden market panic - Our focus shifts towards our volatility-friendly strategies - Keep an eye on stocks and risk for next clues on price action The US Dollar tumbled and the Japanese Yen surged as global stock markets sold off sharply. What happened And more importantly, what might we expect next Markets entered a veritable panic as we saw the Shanghai Composite post a remarkable 8.5 percent at the Sunday open. and contagion gripped broader markets as the US Dow Jones Industrial Average lost over 6 percent to start Monday trading. The effects in global currencies was similarly swift: the US Dollar entered a veritable free-fall versus the Japanese Yen as the USDJPY shed a remarkable 300 pips in under 15 minutes. Markets ostensibly fell because of the initial panic in Chinese markets, but a simpler explanation is to claim that fear gripped a broad swath of traders in what is typically supposed to be a quiet period for financial markets. To that end we attempt to measure the likelihood that such fear-driven moves will continue. FX derivatives markets predict that the coming week will see the largest currency moves since early Junemdashhardly a major warning of turmoil ahead. It is perhaps a reminder that a three-day stretch market panic wonrsquot necessarily translate into an extended sell-off. Yet it will be important to trade defensively until we see meaningful signs of normal market conditions. Forex Volatility Prices Surge on Sudden Market Panic, Point to Bigger Moves Ahead Data source: Bloomberg, DailyFX Calculations A study of retail trader performance shows that most tend to do poorly during times of high volatility. Why exactly Put simply, most retail traders tend to range trademdashbuy when prices are low and sell when prices are high. And indeed we might expect such a strategy will underperform if markets are seeing major price extension in one direction. Traders should likely avoid range trading until we see some semblance of lsquonormalcyrsquo in currency trading markets. In the meantime wersquoll look to our volatility-friendly Breakout2 to outperform across key US Dollar and Japanese Yen pairs. Options-based volatility prices are historically the best predictors of actual market moves. Obviously no indicator is perfect, but given elevated levels we would expect the recent episode of market swings to continue. See the table below for full detail on market conditions and preferred trading strategies. D ailyFX Individual Currency Pair Conditions and Trading Strategy Bias Auto trade the trend reversal-trading Momentum2 system via our previous article. --- Written by David Rodriguez, Quantitative Strategist for DailyFX To receive the Speculative Sentiment Index and other reports from this author via e-mail, sign up to Davidrsquos e-mail distribution list via this link. Volatility Percentile ndash The higher the number, the more likely we are to see strong movements in price. This number tells us where current implied volatility levels stand in relation to the past 90 days of trading. We have found that implied volatilities tend to remain very high or very low for extended periods of time. As such, it is helpful to know where the current implied volatility level stands in relation to its medium-term range. Trend ndash This indicator measures trend intensity by telling us where price stands in relation to its 90 trading-day range. A very low number tells us that price is currently at or near 90-day lows, while a higher number tells us that we are near the highs. A value at or near 50 percent tells us that we are at the middle of the currency pairrsquos 90-day range. Range High ndash 90-day closing high. Range Low ndash 90-day closing low. Last ndash Current market price. Bias ndash Based on the above criteria, we assign the more likely profitable strategy for any given currency pair. A highly volatile currency pair (Volatility Percentile very high) suggests that we should look to use Breakout strategies. More moderate volatility levels and strong Trend values make Momentum trades more attractive, while the lowest Vol Percentile and Trend indicator figures make Range Trading the more attractive strategy. HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW. KEINE REPRÄSENTATION IST GEMACHT, DASS JEDES KONTO WIRD ODER IST, WIE GEWINNT ODER VERLUSTE ÄNDERN ZU DIESEM ANGEBOT ZU ERHÖHEN. IN FAKTOREN SIND DAHER HÄUFIGE UNTERSCHIEDE ZWISCHEN HYPOTHETISCHEN LEISTUNGSERGEBNISSEN UND DEN TATSÄCHLICHEN ERGEBNISSEN, DIE NACH EINEM BESONDEREN HANDELSPROGRAMM ERHOBEN WURDEN. EINE DER EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN DER HYPOTHETISCHEN LEISTUNGSERGEBNISSE IST DAHER, DASS SIE MIT DEM VORTEILE VON HINDSIGHT ALLGEMEINES VORBEREITET WERDEN. ZUSÄTZLICH IST DER HYPOTHETISCHE HANDEL NICHT FINANZIELLES RISIKO, UND KEINE HYPOTHETISCHE HANDELSAUFNAHME KANN VOLLSTÄNDIG FÜR DIE AUSWIRKUNG DES FINANZRISIKOS IM TATSÄCHLICHEN HANDEL AUFZUBEWAHREN. FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES IS MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ALSO ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS. THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION. OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS. Alle auf dieser Website enthaltenen Meinungen, Nachrichten, Recherchen, Analysen, Preisen oder sonstigen Informationen werden als allgemeiner Marktkommentar bereitgestellt und stellen keine Anlageberatung dar. The FXCM group will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance contained in the trading signals, or in any accompanying chart analyses. DailyFX provides forex news and technical analysis on the trends that influence the global currency markets. Largest Forex Brokers by Volume in 2016 A lot has changed in the retail forex market in the last two years. Without a doubt, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) decision in January 2015 to stop supporting the Swiss Franc (CHF) was the biggest event that shook the market and left Alpari UK filing for bankruptcy and FXCM scrambling for a bailout to survive. While the SNB event had major consequences for retail forex brokers, there were other long term trends that also contributed to the big changes in volumes at major brokers. The SNB shock and how it affected the major forex brokers The huge volatility and the 20 overnight movement in the EURCHF pair that followed SNB8217s decision to remove the Euro peg of the Swiss Franc had different consequences for brokers. Some of them weathered the storm without a scratch while others lost millions of dollars. Alpari UK was wiped by the franc movement and on January 19 (2015) applied for formal insolvency. Another big name that was affected is FXCM. It was reported that the US broker had a massive 225 million in client negative balance and it was rescued by a bailout loan from Leucadia worth 300 million in order to continue operating. The shares in FXCM plunged after the event and have not recovered since (see chart below). FXCM One Year Stock Chart. Source: Marketwatch Saxo Bank is also believed to have suffered up to 107 million in losses from the SNB move and it is facing a potential class action lawsuit from some clients, while it is speculated that Saxo could go after clients with negative balances. There are also clear winners from the SNB shock. Brokers like Direct FX, Oanda, XM, Hot Forex or Forex were left without a scratch and were fast to seize on the opportunity to attract more clients from the distressed brokers. XM was quick to point on its homepage that 8220Negative Balance Protection8221 is one of its most important values and traders are guaranteed to never go below zero, while Direct FX was the first broker to pay the client8217s debt caused by the event. Overall, what represented the demise of Alpari UK was a huge opportunity for other brokers, who were proven to have better hedging and protection systems in place. As veteran forex trader James Robertson points out, 8220The SNB shock has meant game over for Alpari UK and a huge drawback for majors FXCM and Saxo Bank. Two years of volume growth have been wiped in the aftermath of the so called 8216 Francogeddon8217 for FXCM and Saxo, and they can consider themselves lucky to still be operating. On the other side, XM, Direct FX and Hot Forex have emerged as the new growth stories of the forex market.8221 Losers . Alpari UK, FXCM, Saxo Bank Other industry trends that shaped the retail forex market in 2015 and 2016 The forex retail market is very dynamic as hundreds of brokers compete for clients around the world. Online trading has extended to mobile trading, as many traders now prefer to trade directly from their smartphones or tablets, as they stay connected 247. Huge competition results in technological innovation and better service for the clients. As compared to several years ago, all major brokers feature several advanced trading platforms as well as mobile apps. Spreads went down and execution speed went up. All for the benefit of the clients. In the last two years we have identified several factors that determined the success and volumes of retail forex brokers. The strengths and weaknesses of regulation 8220 Too little regulation is dangerous because it affects credibility and safety, while too much regulation can hinder business growth. 8221 says James Robertsson, and he seems to be spot on if you look at how the forex industry developed. Tough regulation with high entry requirements and low maximum leverage has reduced competition in the United States and Japan, formerly known as the most important markets. With little competition from new entrants on their home markets, American and Japanese brokers had little incentive to innovate and adapt to global trends, and this can be seen in their very low market share in foreign markets. American and Japanese brokers were unable to grow their business at a good rate in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. On the other side, the low leverage enforced by the regulators has limited the upside on their home markets. This is why we can see American and Japanese brokers no longer dominating the global forex market as they used to do a few years ago. It seems that the right balance was found by Cysec (The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission), which now regulates the fastest growing European brokers and it is the hot spot for regulation in the European Union. Brokers under Cysec regulation are doing very well worldwide and seem to be able to grow their business at a very fast rate. Another regulator that has enjoyed a very good reputation especially in Africa and Asia, as well as a lower cost of conducting business, is the FSC (Financial Services Commission) from the island nation of Mauritius. Losers . FXCM, Forex, Oanda, Interactive Brokers, GMO Click Securities Main features: Leverage, Spreads and Execution Leverage plays an important role in increasing the volumes of traders with less capital and it is in high demand in emerging markets like Africa and Asia. High leverage helps brokers attract more customers and allows them to lower the minimum deposit requirements. That8217s why the fastest growing brokers in emerging markets are the ones offering higher leverage. Since US brokers are not allowed to offer leverage higher than 50:1 they are unable to compete well in emerging markets. It8217s been widely speculated that high leverage increases risks and tougher regulation forcing a broker to limit leverage will result in the reduction of risk. However, the SNB shock has proven that there is no link between maximum leverage and the broker being insulated from volatile markets. FXCM has lost millions of dollars although it was limited to a maximum of 50:1 leverage, while brokers like XM were not affected at all, despite having leverage up to 888:1. Brokers will often reduce the maximum leverage allowed before events that greatly increase market volatility, as it was observed during the Greek debt crisis when most brokers reduced leverage during high volatility weekends. This means that forex brokers with good risk-management teams can navigate market volatility on their own without the need of tougher regulation. Losers . FXCM, Forex, Oanda, Interactive Brokers, GMO Click Securities Spreads are also an important factor for many traders when choosing their broker. High profile brokers like FXCM, Saxo Bank or Forex tend to have higher spreads since they target traders with less experience and knowledge about the offering of other brokers. On the other hand, brokers like Hot Forex, XM, Direct FX or Oanda are known for their lower spreads and are very popular on forex forums and websites. Traders who do their due diligence well are more likely to choose a broker with lower spreads. Forex brokers with lower spreads will have lower profit margins but have an advantage in client acquisition and tend to grow their client base and daily volumes faster. They also have a better client retention rate and higher profitability among their traders. Losers . FXCM, Forex, Saxo Bank, IG Markets, Interactive Brokers Execution is very important for scalpers and high frequency traders. Traders who use Expert Advisers to test their auto trading systems are also interested in the execution speed and quality. Slippage and re-quotes can be very harmful for scalpers and this is why they tend to look for scalper-friendly brokers. While they don8217t represent a high percentage of the total number of retail clients, high frequency traders (also known as day traders) account for a large share of total volumes as they place a lot of trades daily. Such traders want to stay away from Market Makers and prefer ECN and STP brokers who are scalper-friendly and have better execution and lower spreads. The most popular brokers among high frequency traders are Hot Forex, XM and Direct FX. Losers . FXCM, Forex, Saxo Bank, Oanda, IG Markets, Swissquote Promotions, Accessibility and Special Features Promotions can be a very good incentive for new traders to choose a certain broker. High profile brokers like FXCM, Forex, Oanda or Saxo Bank do not offer special promotions for new traders as their market positions allowed them to boost margins instead of fighting for market share. This strategy offered them higher profits in the last two years but hampered their growth and resulted in a loss of market share. On the other side are the two growth stories of the last two years, namely XM and Hot Forex. Offering a 30 free bankroll with no deposit required was a great success for XM, especially in the emerging markets of Africa and Asia. While such promotion might be seen as a way of attracting only low capital clients, it proved to have many positive side effects that helped fuel the amazing growth experienced by XM. A free bankroll creates a lot of buzz in the forex online community and a lot of positive feedback from those who receive it. Many traders start small but in time they improve their skills and grow their capital and you can end up with high value traders who started with a free 30 bankroll. Another positive side effect of such promotion is that veteran traders who want to change their current broker are able to try the platform on live trading for free and once they are convinced by the quality of XM8217s services they bring in their capital and start trading big. XM also offers deposit bonuses that can add-up to the trading capital and are an additional incentive to choose them instead of other broker. Considering the fact that XM experienced the highest growth rate in both new customers and trading volumes in the last two years, we can conclude that their promotion was well received and may be one of the many reasons for their great success. Hot Forex is the second growth story and it also features some interesting promotions. They offer three types of bonuses, called the 8216Supercharged Bonus8217, the 8216Rescue Bonus8217 and the 8216Credit Bonus8217. All of them have different advantages for different types of traders, and in the end they can be a decisive factor when one chooses his forex broker. Judging by the amazing growth rate of Hot Forex we can assume that their bonus policy was at least helpful. Losers . FXCM, Forex, Saxo Bank, Oanda, IG Markets Accessibility is another feature that proved to be very important for the brokers8217 growth in the last two years. When moving global and trying to service tens of new markets with different characteristics, it is essential to be accessible to as many customers as possible. Local offices, translated versions of the broker8217s website in the local language as well as customer support, accessible funding methods and easy withdrawal of funds are very important to secure growth in international markets. When it comes to localized service, multi-language support and website, the clear leaders are Saxo Bank, XM and Hot Forex. This greatly explains why they are very successful in Europe, The Middle East, Africa and Asia. On the other hand, Japanese and US brokers are well behind when it comes to localized services and multi-language support. Deposit and withdrawal methods are another important factor that helped fuel the growth of the most dynamic brokers, XM and Hot Forex. Both of them allow deposits and withdrawals through credit and debit cards as well as all the popular e-wallets, including Neteller, Skrill (formerly known as Moneybookers) or Webmoney. They also allow deposits through prepaid cards like the popular Paysafecard or local debit cards like the Chinese Union Pay. XM and Hot Forex are the only two brokers offering a forex debit card that allows traders to withdraw their money directly at an ATM or to make purchases with a debit card linked directly to the trading account. The Forex Mastercard is very popular in Africa and Asia as it represents a very convenient and cheap method of withdrawing winnings from a foreign broker without local offices. Hot Forex Debit Card Coupled with the low minimum deposit requirements of both brokers, the high number of deposit and withdrawal options is one of the main reasons why the two brokers are the only majors who increased their market share in the last two years. Losers . FXCM, Forex, Oanda, Interactive Brokers Special Features can also have an important role in volume growth and customer acquisition, as they can attract new customers as well as stimulate higher frequency trading. When it comes to special features, the clear winner is Hot Forex which is the leading forex broker in PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) trading. Their PAMM accounts allow traders to be account managers or investors who automatically copy the trades of their managers. Other special features that became very popular in the last two years are Social Trading and Forex VPS (Virtual Private Servers). Hot Forex offers both of them, but when it comes to VPS the leading broker is XM which offers a high speed free forex VPS for its bigger clients. Losers . FXCM, Forex, Saxo Bank, Oanda, Interactive Brokers, IG Markets Largest forex brokers by volume 8211 The August 2016 rankings After all the talk about the evolution of the forex market in the last two years, it is time to show the rankings of the largest forex brokers by volume as of August 2016. The average volumes are measured in billions of USD per day and are calculated for the 45 days period between 1st of July and 15th of August. Here are the rankings: A graphical representation of the top ten forex brokers by trading volume can be seen in the chart below: Saxo Bank has performed well from July 2013 to January 2015 and has experienced good growth in that period, but the SNB shock had a very bad impact on the broker and trading volumes decreased after that. Overall, in the last year Saxo Bank managed to get back to growth as volumes increased by 4 especially because of its great success as a stock broker, which gives it a large pool of high value traders who can also trade forex using their platform if they want to. XM is the most successful Cypriot broker, and now it is the second largest retail forex broker in the world. Formerly known as XE Markets and owned by the parent company Trading Point Holdings Ltd, the broker was rebranded in 2013 and renamed to XM. Ever since, it experienced the fastest growth rate in the industry being the only forex broker with three digits growth rates for two consecutive years. XM received worldwide praise for its state of the art execution technology, being awarded the 8216Best Trading Execution Broker8217 in 2013 in Lagos, Nigeria, as well as 8216Trading Platform With Best Execution8217 in Guangzhou, China. The broker is very popular among day traders and high volume traders because of its combination of low spreads, excellent execution and high leverage. Forex Capital Markets (FXCM) has been the largest retail forex broker in the world until the SNB event, and it is still one of the big names. It experienced a huge plunge in trading volumes after losing 225 million because of negative balances from the Swiss Franc surge that resulted in a capital injection from Leucadia and a collapse in its share price of more than 90. FXCM still struggles to recover from the fatidic day, but its prospects are not as good as they used to be. FXCM is still the largest retail forex broker in the United States, as both Saxo Bank and XM don8217t operate in the US. Hot Forex (also known as HF Markets Ltd) is the largest forex broker in Africa, being based in the island nation of Mauritius. Its Eurpean operations are carried under a Cysec license (Cyprus) while in the rest of the world it operates under the Mauritius license. Hot Forex has grown very fast in the last two years and has become the fourth largest forex broker in the world. With huge success in Asia, Africa and Europe, Hot Forex is poised to become the second largest forex broker in the world if last year8217s trends continue. Hot Forex received the 8216Best Client Funds Protection Broker Award8217 this year in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, as well as the titles of 8216Best Forex Broker8217 in China, Western Europe and the Gulf. IG Group is the largest CFD broker in the United Kingdom and one of the largest retail forex brokers in the world. In the last two years it didn8217t experience significant changes in trading volumes and client growth. Forex is the trading name of Gain Capital and has been one of the major forex brokers in the world in the last decade. Forex was the fastest growing broker in the United States, although it8217s growth rate in the last year was a modest 12 compared to other international brokers. GMO Click Securities is the largest Japanese forex broker, although it is registered in Hong Kong. It focuses primarily on the lucrative Japanese market and it has very little presence in other countries. Because of the low leverage allowed in Japan which is limited to a maximum of 25:1, the broker8217s trading volumes declined in the last year. Oanda is the most popular US broker among the US online trading community, as it is known for its lower spreads compared to its US competition. The broker had stable volumes in the last year and a modest growth of only 6. Interactive Brokers is the fourth largest US broker and has maintained a decent market share in the US despite not being able to expand successfully in the rest of the world. Considering the huge size of the US market, Interactive Brokers remains one of the top ten largest brokers in the world. Direct FX is the largest forex broker in Australia and the second largest broker in the Southern Hemisphere. The broker has seen its popularity rise a lot in the last year amid growing volumes from Chinese traders who want to benefit from the security and expertise of a well regulated Australian broker. Direct FX is a popular choice for experienced traders because it offers a very advanced trading platform with many levels of market depth coupled with excellent execution and very low spreads. This is why it has a very high average volume per client compared to other brokers. Related Posts In the recent years the forex market reached its maturity, a fact that can behellip While it may come as a surprise for you, latest reports show that more thanhellipEURUSD flash surge: Lessons for forex traders The holiday season is characterized by thin liquidity and thin trading volume as many traders are taking some time off. Während der meiste Zeit ist das Ergebnis langweilige Märkte, die sich in engen Bereichen bewegen. Allerdings bedeutet dünne Liquidität, dass jede überraschende Ordnung große Bewegungen auslösen kann. Wenn Monate, Quartale und Jahre zu Ende gehen, sehen wir gelegentlich Last-Minute-Portfolio-Anpassungen. Ist das passiert mit EURUSD Hier sind einige Lektionen, die wir für den Handel zeichnen können, relevant nicht nur in der Ferienzeit: Flash-Surge In der letzten asiatischen Session des Jahres, könnte es einige Algorithmen gehen Schelm. Fast drei Monate nach dem Pfund-Blitz-Crash. Wir haben einen Euro-Blitzstoß. EURUSD bewegte sich höher und drückte über die 1.0460-Widerstandslinie in der US-Sitzung vom 29. Dezember. Aber was als nächstes passierte, war nicht wirklich ruhig. EURUSD stieg bis zu 1.0653, ein Sprung von rund 150 Pips, nur um sich nachher niederzulassen. Das Paar fiel zurück auf 1.0483. Zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens ist Eurodollar wieder auf höherem Boden, um 1.055, noch einige 100 Pips der Blitzhöhen. Hüten Sie sich vor engen Bereich Handel Die Lektion für Forex Trader ist, dass keine Periode ist wirklich ruhig. Während viele Einzelhändler auf Ausbrüche warten, versuchen einige, sich von der engen und meist erwarteten Reichweite Handel, Skalping ein paar Pips innerhalb der Reichweite zu nehmen. Normalerweise, wenn Ihr Broker bietet niedrige Spreads, eine Reihe von nur 20 Pips bieten Möglichkeiten, um 10 Pips in der Mitte des Bereichs zu greifen. Alle diese Bewegungen können ausgelöscht werden, es sei denn, der Handel ist sorgfältig mit Stop-Loss-Aufträgen geplant. Profitieren kann nicht möglich sein Für diejenigen, die Aufträge für einen Ausbruch vergeben, könnte dies auch gefährlich sein. Wenn du lange EURUSD auf einer Pause von 1.05, eine runde Zahl gegangen bist, hättest du einen schnellen Gewinn genossen. Allerdings geht das davon aus, dass Sie Ihren Take-Profit-Punkt unter dem Hoch von 1.0653 auf dem Höhepunkt gesehen haben. Aber das hätte auch verlangt, dass Ihr Broker anerkennt, dass die Trades wirklich auf diesen hohen Ebenen gemacht wurden: Wenn der Blitz in der Tat auffällig war, konnte die Ausführung des TP nicht realisiert werden. Ein gewinnender Handel kann gestoppt werden. Und wenn Sie Ihren Take-Profit über dem Gipfel hatten, wäre der Siegerhandel zu einem Verlieren ein ganz schnell geworden. Hätten Sie bei 1.0530 mit einem Stop-Loss bei 1.0495 eingegangen, wäre der Handel von einem Gewinn von 120 Pips zu einem Handel, der gestoppt wurde, gedreht. Alles in allem sollten Händler die 8220dichtzone8221 beachten: die Zeit zwischen dem nahen in New York zum asiatischen offenen. Und während der Ferienzeit, vielleicht genießen die Feiertage und unterlassen den Handel insgesamt ist der beste Ratschlag. Hier ist, wie die Euro-Blitz-Anstieg vom 30. Dezember 2016 auf der 15-minütigen Chart sah: Über Autor Yohay Elam Gründer, Schriftsteller und Redakteur Ich habe in Forex Trading seit über 5 Jahren, und ich teile die Erfahrung, die ich habe und das Wissen Dass ich mich angesammelt habe. Nach einem kurzen Kurs über Forex. Wie viele Forex-Händler, Ive verdient den bedeutenden Anteil meiner Kenntnisse der harte Weg. Makroökonomie, die Auswirkungen von Nachrichten auf die ständig wachsenden Devisenmärkte und Handelspsychologie haben mich schon immer fasziniert. Vor der Gründung von Forex Crunch arbeitete Ive als Programmierer in verschiedenen Hightech-Unternehmen. Ich habe einen B. Sc. In der Informatik von der Ben Gurion Universität. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat Forex-Software einen relativ größeren Anteil an den Stellen. Yohays Google Profil Ähnliche Beiträge

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